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A dinner attire question
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:53 pm
by California Girl
Ok, so I know this question has been asked a thousand times, but what is the proper attire for dinner at most restaurants on STJ? I seriously doubt we will be going to Caneel, Asolare or any of the fancier restaurants, but what about places like Lime Inn, Morgan's Mango and Rhumb Lines? Are we talking shorts & tank tops or more like sundresses for ladies and a nice Hawaiian shirt for the guys?
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:56 pm
by mbw1024
personally I wouldn't say tank tops but a golf shirt or the like for men. I wore a dress every night but just because it is more comfy if you ask me! but a casual dress.
Charlie wore shorts every night, even to Equator. He had a few pair of "night time" shorts that were nicer and deck shoes.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:59 pm
by MrsCARolph
OOhhh...good question! Thanks for the advice--I've been thinking about what we'll pack for nights out.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:10 pm
by b-as-u-r
I usually wear nice shorts, never a dress, occasionally a skort or very casual skirt and a decent shirt (polo or layered tanks or casual top) with flip-flops or sandals (so, not my beach shorts or jean shorts and not a t-shirt). My husband usually wears nice shorts with either a polo or short-sleeve islandy type or linen dress shirt with his reef sandals. We keep it pretty casual (but neat).
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:25 pm
by Ron_L
I wore shorts everywhere. Amy either wore shorts or jeans depending on the temp. At Morgan's I had on shorts and my Big Dog BBQ shirt (see the picture) and Amy had on a nice top and shorts. Morgan's was probably the "fanciest" place that we went.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:37 pm
by lpowmacback
Absolutely shorts!!! That's one of the reasons I love St. John - that casual, down-to-earth, unpretentious, easy feel!!!
Of course, if you want to get fancy, you can wear a little sun dress.
Not many places where one would consider a sundress being "fancy"

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:42 pm
by California Girl
Thanks all!
Hey Lisa - I'm STILL trying to think of a new forum name for you, but haven't come up with anything good yet
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:42 pm
by Kentuckygirl
Great question!!
I am planning on being quite casual. Most of our dinners will be casual anyway. For the "nicer" nights I thought I would probably wear either a simple dress, or a casual skirt and T, or capris (which I probably won't even pack).
I have a feeling that we will still be in our coverups at dinner some nights.
I plan to carryon, so I'm thinking pack light ... probably 1 casual dress, one casual skirt, tees, shorts, lots of flip-flops, swimsuits, and coverups.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:51 pm
by lpowmacback
Cali Girl - No.. I haven't thought about a name for myself - it seems as though it would be far too much trouble after all these years - and -
what's in a name anyway... right
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 7:24 pm
by California Girl
Lisa, I think you're right. A whole lot of trouble and really, what IS in a name, anyway? Your current name is so unique!
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:21 pm
by lpowmacback
Yes, ODD & unique
Thanks California Girl
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:50 pm
by martini girl
Definitely shorts, casual shirts, and sandals or flip flops. What a relief it was to realize that we never had to get "dressed up" for dinner. Our favorite vacation spot for the past few years had been Atlantis, where we women spent lots of dinners in skirts and heels. My daughters and I actually took a suitcase exclusively for shoes each trip. This is definitely not needed on STJ. I took a few casual cotton skirts along and they never left my suitcase!
In fact, there were days that I went to dinner in the same flip flops that I had worn to the beach that day (BTW they were nice flip flops...I am not a fashion schlump.)
Anyway, when I wrote my trip report, I mentioned that we had 11 pieces of checked luggage for 4 adults and 5 young kids! Way too many clothes. Definitely learned a lesson. We tell people one of the highlights of the trip was not needing to get dressed up for dinner. So think casual!
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:58 pm
by flip-flop
The fanciest I have ever gotten for dinner is capri pants and leather sandals (vs. flip-flops). Usually its capris and flipflops. I just don't like the way shorts ride up at times
Hubby is typically in nice shorts (not athletic shorts, but khakis or the like) and a t-shirt or polo, and his leather sandals vs. tevas.
If I were going to Caneel or Asolare I might take it up a slight notch but NEVER heals or anything "fancy". A nice comfy casual skirt, capris, or a summer dress would all work.
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:00 pm
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 9:05 pm
by mbw1024
come to think of it Charlie wore pants to Asolare. we shared a taxi after dinner with another couple and he was wearing shorts, so there you go! nothing too definitive! LOL