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Hot Mess Trip Report: Intro and Day 1

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:23 pm
by Xislandgirl
Intro: This was a trip for just Chip and I. We knew that there were many forumites on island and our usual travel friends had to skip this year, so we knew that we would have fun.
Trip Report Warnings
1. I drank a lot :lol:
2. The weather was kind of sucky
3. I am going to be honest, it may result in comments that people don't like, but I am not one for sugar coating
4. I did not take a lot of pictures, see warnings #1 or #2
5. There were a lot of random craziness, hence the name of the Trip

And away we go.....

Travel day is a long one, no matter what. We were up at 3:30, out the door at 4:20 and sitting at the gate at 5:10
We are carry on folks; 2 LL Bean travel backpacks, 1 beach bag, 1 backpack cooler filled with:
hot dogs
string cheese
Our travel lunch

Landed in Dulles and headed for a bar and a Bloody Mary. They were strong and I was giggly...of course it was 9am and I was buzzed, that was funny in itself.
I could not even finish 1 drink, and I was, well, a hot mess!

We land in STT and Rachel is there. I had brought her new business cards as a surprise. Her old cards had her brother's info on them and I knew that it bothered her to see his name every day.
It was STT Carnival day so the trip to Red Hook took longer than usual. We jumped out of the taxi and once on the ferry, we realized that Chip's glasses fell out of his pocket in the taxi. Rachel was racing back to the airport for her next pick up and couldn't turn around. Her next passengers were coming to STJ, so Chip would survive with his sunglasses until they came over and we would meet them.

After a few hugs with Ruth and meeting NancyB, we head to STJ Car Rental to pick up our brand new orange Wrangler. I hate Wranglers! They are not comfortable if you want to put people or things in the back seat and they are wide. I am the driver, so I get to complain, but that is what we got. No worries, Chip is a trooper with my on island driving…well not really, he just doesn’t vocalize his annoyances.

We head up to Harborview, our home for the week. Here are my random observations:
We love the price
We love the view
We love the location
We love the Snacks in the fridge, very good for the first night
We like that it has everything we need in a small space
We would like some of the finishes to be updated
We would like better pots and pans
We HATE the beach chairs

I was getting changed and Rachel called and Chip talked to her and told me that the couple with his glasses would be on the 6pm boat. He was lying to me, Rachel did not say that, just keep reading, you will see.

The Coral Bay crew was just getting back from Jost with Capt Jay and Capt John, so we stop at Gecko for a drink and then meet them at the National Park dock.
It was great to see old friends and the Into the Mystic Crew was beat from the day so they took off for Coral Bay while RickG, Christine, and Chip and I headed to the Tap Room for some AC and a cold one. They had a delicious Pumpkin Ale…WARNING: When beer is served in a snifter it is because it is 10% alcohol and will turn you into a HOT MESS!!

We stumble from the Tap Room to go meet the boat and it had just come in. I called Rachel and asked her what they looked like and she tells me that the woman is wearing a red dress. To the woman on the dock on Saturday, May 7th in the red dress: Sorry, I was the crazy woman insisting that you were given my phone. (note I did not say Chip’s glasses)
I am still on the phone with Rachel but her voice is sounding weird; I turn around and there she is. Rachel on STJ. The shock of her standing on STJ for the 1st time in 40+ years coupled with the pumpkin beer on an empty stomach and I was a crying HOT Mess.
After I composed myself, Chip took this picture to prove that Rachel was on STJ.

We hung around with here until she took the boat back and I was ravenous.

High Tide was close so we sat at the bar. So glad that we decided to, it was delicious. I will have more to say about High Tide later in the report, but I will say one thing: GO TO HIGH TIDE

We head back to Harborview and our neighbor Gary (Sinbad) and my old friend Beth are sitting outside, so against any judgement (better or otherwise) we joined them for a drink.

It was a long day…filled with surprises and fun. I collapsed into bed and slept like a baby.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:37 pm
by Coden
Oh that picture is so sweet. And that is extra nice what you did with the business cards. XOXO

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:38 pm
by Barb Y
Way to go Rachel! She conquered (or at very least faced) her fear. Good for her! I would have been a mess too sharing something like that with a friend. Thanks for the warning about beer in a snifter. Plan on hitting the Tap Room this trip. Looking forward to the rest of the report.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 2:48 pm
by mbw1024
Is it one of the Shipyard Pumpkin Ale's? YUM!

Can't believe Rachel ferried over! That is just GREAT!

You? A hot mess? I'm shocked! :roll: :wink:

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:03 pm
by ski2play
What a nice thing you did for Rachel, what a nice thing she did for you! Love, Love, Love a happy ending to a wonderful first day! Enjoyed the Picture! Thanks for sharing!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 3:14 pm
by Nic in KC
So glad to see your report start! I'm very interested in Harborview for a trip! The picture of you and Rachel is perfect and such a sweet story!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:16 pm
by mindehankins
That might be the single kindest act I have ever witnessed on this forum, Xislandgirl! I can't imagine your excitement when you saw Rachel :) What goes around comes around, huh?
Looking forward to more trip reports!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:05 pm
by lazylane
from seeing pics on Facebook, I can't wait to hear the stories that go with them....great start!

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 8:43 pm
by pswlrw
This trip report is making me remember just why I love you so much :D

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 9:40 pm
by bevm
Sorry we missed joining you for drinks! It would have been fun...Rachel must really love you to come over on the ferry to return those sweet of her.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 9:37 am
by susan & herb
Rachel picked us up on Friday, 5/13 for our return to NJ and reality.

Not sure how long the ride is to STT airport but she told us the story of Chips missing glasses and her surprise trip on the ferry to St John to surprise Xislandgirl in great detail. You could tell she really enjoyed your surprising you and also her first ferry ride to St John. She was thrilled with the business cards and described how Marybeth copied the card and sent it to you so that you could have them printed.
Yea, it's cheaper to take a van but seeing Rachels smiling face when you land in STT with hugs and kisses all around is the way I like to begin my ST John vacation!
Until next year!

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 10:28 am
by piscesgirl0314
GREAT report so far...I agree...GO TO HIGH really is one of our favorite spots to drink, eat, people watch...and just chill....

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:35 pm
by Mary L
Great report, I can't believe that Rachel has never been to STJ, WOW. I have to try High Tides when I'm there in Aug I've never been.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 3:55 pm
by Pickle
Such a great story with Rachel. You might be the only one who would've been able to bring her finally to St. John.

And thank you for your no-sugar-coated reports.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 6:15 pm
by Kentuckygirl
Oh, I love that Rachel came to St John! She has talked to us each trip about how she's never been. I'm so happy she did! Great job, and I love the picture!!!