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Vacay Soon Come and a MINI-Gromit is on the way!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:42 pm
by Gromit
Seeing as how the forum is like my extended family I think it's time to spill the beans.....

Well, we were originally set to depart for a two week (much needed vacay) THIS Friday... a GLORIOUS two weeks spent on both Jost van Dyke and St. John...

However, the universe has a wicked sense of humor and said, "Gromit!! NOT SO FAST!"

Why you may ask? Well, about a month or so ago I found out that Mr. Gromit and I are expecting a MINI-Gromit!!

We've always been the "If it happens, it happens" kind of people and well... it happened. But boy did it take an awfully long time. In fact we'd almost figured that it wasn't ever going to happen and we were totally OK with that.

But now, we're totally OK with this too, even if it does require a little adjustment here and there (OK--an UNDERSTATEMENT!)

However, given the fact that I don't get maternity leave and we're going to have to be shelling out a fortune in day care costs next year, the responsible voice inside (yes, I DO have a responsible voice-- albeit usually drowned out by the IRRESPONSIBLE voice most of the time) said, "Gromit, you really should adjust your travel plans and save some time and money that you could use next June instead."

Of course, if I was TRULY responsible I would cancel the trip altogether but in this case the Irresponsible voice won the compromise: Cut the trip down to a week and just do the STJ portion.

So we did just that.

Of course American Airlines had to charge their ridiculous change fee ($150 per ticket) but since we paid with Amex points originally it was fine.

All in all, I feel like I'm stripping gears a bit on life and the changes are coming fast a furious.

Fortunately I've been interning at Motherhood as Auntie Gromit with Flip Flop's kids and I don't completely suck at it. She's a great "Mommy on the go" role model and I've learned a lot.

Right now Baby Gromit is apparently the size of a large Genip and is due on June 18th. We don't know what it is yet, but when we find out we don't plan on keeping it much of a secret. I see a lot of tie dyed onesies in this kids future!

While the vacay isn't going to go exactly as we had originally planned it will be a nice break from reality -- if only for a week instead of two.

I'm looking forward to doing a "STJ while you're preggers" trip report. No doubt my infamous tips will involve a lot of detailed info on best places to pee and best spots to satisfy those second tri-mester cravings. Hopefully SOMEONE will find it useful :lol:

Sadly, this trip will NOT include any jell-o shots, bushwhackers, pain-killers, raw fish or unpasteurized cheese. :cry:

But what the journey lacks in alcohol consumption I hope to make up in really good food! :wink:

I foresee lots of lobster rolls, skinny legs burgers, and Miss Vie's johnny cakes and garlic chicken in my future. :lol:

Mr. Gromit has been a trooper about this whole thing and has surprised me with his new found knowledge of things like swaddling and diapering (who knew??) :roll:

Vicki H has already been teasing us about how much MORE crap we will have to bring down to STJ. Lord help us! :oops:

As far a Mini Gromit goes, I'm just along for the ride. My body has been taken over by a genip sized alien that doesn't intend to vacate the villa until mid June so I might as well just take a deep breath and hope for the best!

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to our vacay which begins December 10 (instead of Dec 2nd -- yeah I'm still a little bitter -- but in a good way).

I still hope to see some folks while we're out and about on island -- although I know we will be missing a few of you that first week.

Can't wait to see everyone!



Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:50 pm
by Nic in KC
Congratulations!! I will admit to wondering if you guys had decided not to have kids. As someone who desperately wants it to happen, I love it when I hear a story of it happening after a long time trying!

Your gears will shift, but I look forward to hearing about it all! Enjoy and I hope the next several months are stress free!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:26 pm
by PA Girl
Woo Hoo! What FANTASTIC news!!!!!

I was wondering why the Jost trip was cancelled :)

We were married 10 years prior to our son's birth.

We took Little PA "on the road" starting at 3.5 months and those vacations were just as awesome, in a different way. But then again, I have no problem drinking a 10 am vacay beer in front of Little PA ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:29 pm
by beachplums
Congratulations, Gromit! I’m guessing you’ve just received your best early Christmas present news, ever!

“Baby Gromit is apparently the size of a large Genip”…how adorable is that!!

I hope you have an easy pregnancy, and you will love Motherhood! Enjoy your STJ vacation, sans alcohol...just more room for food! :)

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:31 pm
by jaq w
Congratulations! and have a great babymoon!!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:44 pm
by designbyroe
Congrats!!! You will still get on island and see Syd and Vicki right?
Have fun, can not wait for the trip report.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:47 pm
by Heather
Congratulations! I am so very happy for you. I love your trip reports and am looking forward to reading your STJ whle pregnant report. Our sweet little girl arrived after many years of not thinking it was going to happen. I think she was just on island time to begin with. I was on St. John at about 3 1/2 months and felt her first move while snorkeling at Waterlemon. Just a tiny finger poke. Over and over and over again. I had to lie on the sandy area and watch my belly and kept thinking it was maybe just a muscle twitch. It persisted and it was quite a nice few moments. Snorkeling is heaven when you're pregnant. Nothing beats weightless and floating in that beautiful water when you're pregnant - or not! Of course we named her Starfish - :shock: just kidding. Enjoy your time there and the food. I did indulge in a small sip of a Painkiller though - so far it doesn't look like it did any damage and it is juice! She was also baptised (with water from Waterlemon) by Anne-Marie on a later trip. And oh yes when you bring the mini-Gromit you will haul a ton of crap!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:51 pm
by Pia
OMG girlfriend - many, many, many congratulations to you both. I am secretly hoping for an on time arrival as that date is special to me :)

Just think with all the money saved not drinking those painkillers day care will be paid for about 2 years :lol:


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:54 pm
by Barb Y
Woo Hoo! I am so very happy for you and Daddy Gromit. Wow what a luck baby being born to parents who will surely raise them with a love for STJ and the islands. I wish you both much happiness. Enjoy your time on STJ and have fun checking out things that you will want to share with Baby Gromit in the future. Be happy! Congrats!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:55 pm
by Nancy_B

Congratulations! What a wonderful compromise going to one week on St. John. Good news is that you'll still be there for your birthday.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:09 pm
by seaera
Congratulations! That's such great news. Here's to a happy upcoming "babymoon" trip and many future trips with Baby Gromit. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:26 pm
by melmd
Congratulations! There is nothing as exciting and wonderful as being a new mom eepect maybe being a new mom with your beautiful baby on STJ. I know all to well about the long wait to welcome a baby, enjoy every second of it because it really does go by to fast.

Congrats again - so happy for you


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:33 pm
by mbw1024
Congrats! That's nice news!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:34 pm
by shoemak38
First congrats to Mr Gromit for completing his half of the process. :twisted: :twisted:
You should view your vacation to STJ as a designated driver so he can unwind after all his hard work and let him drink many pain killers. :twisted: :twisted:

Kidding I’m only kidding

As a father of three I’ll give you the same words of wisdom given me back when I was at your stage of life.
Remember they grow up fast make the most of every day with them, but also remember to take some time for each other.

Thanks for the Great news !!

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:40 pm
by scoob
When on St.John ,ask the bar keep to make a virgin painkiller.. still sweet, but without the alcohol kick...maybe a good compromise ??

Stay healthy,enjoy,