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Vow Renewals

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:55 am
by hartpump
Hi everyone,
I would like to surprise my wife by arranging to renew our vows while we are on St. John. I haven't started researching anything yet and i thought I would ask you all for ideas or advice first. Background... we honeymooned on St John 10 years ago. This will be our third time back. Were staying at Randy's place Reef Madness. Looking for simple, just us and the couple we are going with. So I would love ideas on natural venues and an officiant. Thanks

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:25 am
by Pia
Reef Madness is a beautiful villa - you can't go wrong there :)
I highly recommend Anne Marie Porter for your vow renewal. Congratulations and what a nice surprise for your wife


Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:11 am
by Randy in MD
hartpump - My wife and I renewed our vows with Anne Marie Porter by the pool at Reef Madness in January. She also married us on the beach 10 years ago and she made both events very personal and special for us. So I wholeheartedly agree with Pia's recommendation! Here's her website:

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:38 am
by LovetoTravel
Ditto, On Anne Marie Porter. She married my husband and I also at our villa!!! I really like her!!!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:30 pm
by Diana2
Anne Marie gets my vote too!

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:44 pm
by piscesgirl0314
I agree with everyone...Definately Ann Marie...she married my husband and I in 2003 on Trunk...I wouldn't change one thing about any of it...

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:52 pm
by loria
another vote for anne marie--she did our vow renewal on Francis two years ago--and she was great--you'll love her.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:55 pm
by Nancy_B
Yet another vote for Anne Marie. She married us on Trunk at Sunset in May 2001 (10 year anniversary coming up).

Also, LOVE Reef Madness. We stayed there 2 years back - it's a great villa.

Enjoy and what a nice surprise.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:29 pm
by Heather
Another for Anne-Marie. She married us at "our" villa on St. John 10 years ago and also baptised our daughter there 6 years ago. She is a lovely and truly special person.

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:33 pm
by SusanNJ
I was actually thinking about doing this next year for our 10 year anniversary. Question, do you have to renew your vows on your "exact date" or is it acceptable to do it a week or two after? Or does that kind of nullify the point?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:23 pm
by Jumbiegirl
Anne Marie is the BEST! She baptized our daughter at Maho one year.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:38 pm
by StJohnbum
We renewed our vows on STJ about 9 years ago for our 25th, Jesus we're getting old! Kate wanted a new ring and also the trip to STJ. I told her we could do one or the other but couldn't afford both, she chose the trip. Well she's special and you only do your 25th once so we booked the trip and I had a custom emerald and diamond ring made for her. She being the suspicious type thought I'd probably do this and looked all over the place for the ring as we packed and traveled to STJ. I had taken the ring and sewed it into the inside of my pants pockets and was able to sneak it down without her seeing it. The Jeweler that made the ring is a close friend and he made a beautiful custom wood box for it and shipped it down to the rental agent for the Villa we were renting. She hid the box under one of the beds in one of the spare bedrooms. I had in advance arranged a day sail off the North Shore beaches and had sent a copy of the vows that I had written down to the captain (don't remember the boat, his name was Rick). When we went out for the day I got down on bended knee and gave her the ring on the bow of the boat (nervous as hell that I'd drop the ring in the water as the boat rocked back and forth in the waves) and the captain remarried us as we floated by the National Park beaches with the palm trees and white sand in the background. It was just the two of us and the captain and for us that worked great! I got brownie points for years for that. Hope your experience works out as well as ours did.

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 2:41 pm
by StJohnbum
We renewed our vows on STJ about 9 years ago for our 25th, Jesus we're getting old! Kate wanted a new ring and also the trip to STJ. I told her we could do one or the other but couldn't afford both, she chose the trip. Well she's special and you only do your 25th once so we booked the trip and I had a custom emerald and diamond ring made for her. She being the suspicious type thought I'd probably do this and looked all over the place for the ring as we packed and traveled to STJ. I had taken the ring and sewed it into the inside of my pants pockets and was able to sneak it down without her seeing it. The Jeweler that made the ring is a close friend and he made a beautiful custom wood box for it and shipped it down to the rental agent for the Villa we were renting. She hid the box under one of the beds in one of the spare bedrooms. I had in advance arranged a day sail off the North Shore beaches and had sent a copy of the vows that I had written down to the captain (don't remember the boat, his name was Rick). When we went out for the day I got down on bended knee and gave her the ring on the bow of the boat (nervous as hell that I'd drop the ring in the water as the boat rocked back and forth in the waves) and the captain remarried us as we floated by the National Park beaches with the palm trees and white sand in the background. It was just the two of us and the captain and for us that worked great! I got brownie points for years for that. Hope your experience works out as well as ours did.

Vow Renewal

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:12 pm
by Rachelle & Joe
Hi, Another Vote for the Lovely Ann Marie, we used her this past August to renew vows on Trunk !