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Day 5: Hiking Brown Bay, Vie's Beach, Vie's Lunch

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:59 am
by flip-flop
Day 5: Hiking Brown Bay, Vie's Beach, Vie's Lunch

Another day that starts with sunrise. I don't know what it is about St. John mornings, but I never sleep much past 6:30 or so. Typically I blame it on the kids, but I just don't have this excuse this time. I also sometimes try to blame it on the sunrise coming up so fast and strong. Honestly, I think it is just my desire to not waste a second of my time there.

Today, LMG and I started with another hike at Brown Bay (Got it right this time Marybeth, I hope you are happy!!! ;-) DRUNK Bay just sound more fun!) Again, lucky for us, no firing going on at the firing range. The girls were excellent and LMG and I were well behaved too! It is is a really nice hike for those who have not done it but who like that sort of thing.

Back at the house we repeated our morning ritual. Coffee, breakfast (bagel for me again), soaking in the gorgeous view from Ms. Pia's deck and just easing into the day. I really love the first thing in the morning hike, pre-breakfast, pre-hussle/bussle, and pre-consciousness! Makes it a lot easier for me and you feel like you have accomplished a lot and that you really deserve that lazybones time on the beach ;-)

Soon we had packed the car and were ready to head to Vie's Beach for the day.



Vie's lovely daughter was opening the Snack Shack for the day just as we arrived and mentioned that a "taxiload of 17 college students" was on its way. We said thank you for the warning, practically threw our $2.50 per person at her and bolted to find a hideaway on the beach. We were the 2nd set of folks there.


Now typically, in the off season, you can have Vie's basically to yourself especially if you arrive early. Not so much the case today. It was quieter than the North Shore beaches for sure, but still busy for St. John/Flip-Flop standards. Still, it was awesome. We secured three chairs, pulled them up in a private little shady spot and proceeded to do what we do best. AB-SO-LUTE-LY NUTTIN!

LMG had mixed up a little secret concoction for the beach that the Pia's should patent and soon we were enjoying our beverages and doing our best immitations of slugs.

Slowly the beach began to fill and we simply mellowed the day away.



Vie's, Vie's and more Vie's


We even made a little friend


This sand crab was hysterical to watch. Apparently his hole had gotten inundated with a bit of sand somehow and he was working to clear it out. He'd disappear into the hole only to reappear with an armload of sand which he was literally TOSS across the sand. If he could have cussed he would of.

His hole surrounded by all the loose sand he had tossed out of his hole


There are many things I love about Vie's.

1 - Ms. Vie herself. You will not find a finer, sweeter. more enjoyable person to talk to on St. John.
2 - The Beach is gorgeous!
3 - There are chairs
4 - There is the Snack Shack for when you get hungry!
5 - It is usually very quiet.

Time for lunch


Before long we find our bellies growling and make our way up to the Snack Shack. Now, I have gone to Vie's many times and NEVER have I been there with more than 3-4 other people. Total. Ever. It was packed! She was steadily cranking out garlic chicken and johnny cakes, tarts, conch fritters, iced tea. I could not believe the crowd. We had intentionally waited a little later than normal to miss some of the crazy, but it was still pretty busy. I was however glad we came up when we did because I think we took the next to last two garlic chicken orders!

Completely out of character, LMG & I did not order the same thing!


Though I did trade her some of my johnny cake for some of her conch fritters. For me, conch fritters are pretty hit or miss, but these were great!




Soon we retired back to Vie's for a little more relaxation and libation and before we knew it, it was time to wrap up and head back to check on the pups and hang out on the deck for the afternoon.

On the way back to the house we did detour to take a look at Drekker's Bay (Spelling?) GORGEOUS views up there. Anyone want to buy me a lot?




Feeling very mellow after a great, exhausting (I still have not figured out how doing nothing all day can be so tiring!) day we decided to stay in for the night. Of course, that didn't mean I didn't eventually get hungry and need sustainence!

We had left over steak from Shipwreck, so I threw together a salad and sliced that up on top. Just right after a great day.

Tomorrow: St. Pattys on St. John, Honeymoon, Tourist Trap & Donkey Diner PIzza!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:27 am
by JT
Flipper,keep 'em coming! A few other great things I love about Vie's:

The ride out there.A side trip to Sloop's is usually part of our agenda, too.

If she's not real busy, listening to her tell you how it was on the East End when she was growing up. No cars, as there wasn't a road. Most of your livelihood came from the sea.They boated to Tortola for rice and other provisions that they didn't grow or harvest from the sea. If you built a house, you took what the land gave you, not blast and level it out to suit your wants. Did you know that Vie was Miss STJ one year, in her youth?

The aloe plants growing all around her shack are great for applying to sunburn to provide instant relief. Just be careful, as it's a strain of aloe that will stain your clothes purple if you let the juice come in contact with them before it dries.

The glass bottom canoe that she rents is terrific for the snorkel- challenged.

I'll think of a few more in May while we're chilling on her beach.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:33 am
by mbw1024
thank you for accurate reporting :wink: :lol:

Must do day at Vie's. I wonder how many "firsts" I can have on my 4th trip. Plenty I bet!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:42 am
by SOonthebeach
Have been meaning to get to Vie's for several trips- that report will ensure that we do it in August! Looks fantastic and I have heard that garlic chicken is to die for. Thanks for another great read!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:47 am
by flip-flop
MB - I had a lot of firsts on this trip (my 7th or 8th) thanks to 1) NO KIDS (did I mention I didn't bring my kids :oops: ) and 2) LMG being the expert she is.

Laura - Be careful with the garlic chicken. In my haste, I burned my tongue. SO WORTH IT! It is yummy!

Oh and don't forget to get a tart. You might want to get that early. They ALWAYS run out of coconut and I always end up with a pineapple instead. Not that that's a bad thing. I just want a coconut one, darnit! I am a SLOW learner!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:57 am
by CariBert
I'll admit, I am Coral Bay Challenged. Where exactly and how do you get to Vie's? That is something I've wanted to do for the past 4 times we have been there.
We normally stay on the Cruz bay side and venture over to Coral and visit the usual suspects...Skinny's, Aqua Bistro, Island Blues, Sloops.....would really like to visit Vie...



Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 9:59 am
by shelli0001
awesome! i always wake up really early too, then i can hardly resist waking everybody up, LET'S GO, but i don't. :roll: we're staying out past vie's this july & i'm sure we'll be stopping for those conch fritters a lot. i didn't know you could rent the clear canoe, i'm gonna try it for sure. show us a pic of the pups you keep mentioning.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:02 am
by flip-flop
CariBert wrote:I'll admit, I am Coral Bay Challenged. Where exactly and how do you get to Vie's?
It is out the east end way. Past Skinny's. Keep going. There will be a tree in the middle of the road, literally. You can't miss it! Vie's Snack Shack will be on your left, the beach on the right through a gate.

Leave your $2.50 pp with whoever is working the snackshack or there is a box on the beach side. They are closed Sunday ? and definitely Monday!

And there is a pic in day 3 of the pups! ... hp?t=15957

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:20 am
by CariBert
Thanks Flip...that is on the must do list for us in a couple of months! :lol: 8)


Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:22 am
by Pia
"Have been meaning to get to Vie's for several trips- that report will ensure that we do it in August"

Sorry to say she might not be open in August so call first as she closes (usually) for "off season" :(

Great reporting FF - glad the girls well behaved and you enjoyed my deck - it's fun isn't it :D


Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:23 am
by liamsaunt
I am really loving your reports.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:24 am
by LMG
Eeeek! I look like I have had some of that "beach drink concoction" don't I? :)

JT- Thanks for adding the extra Vie's info. Very cool! You are right, she is fascinating to talk to. That is one of the hardest parts about traveling in season- no one has as much time to visit.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:25 am
by flip-flop
Pia wrote:"Have been meaning to get to Vie's for several trips- that report will ensure that we do it in August"

Sorry to say she might not be open in August so call first as she closes (usually) for "off season" :(

Great reporting FF - glad the girls well behaved and you enjoyed my deck - it's fun isn't it :D

The girls were awesome (the pups, not LMG & I) and very well behaved and honestly, I loved having them there to alert us to anything, be it a real intruder or an iguana! ;-)

The deck is awesome. I could live there. Just beautiful!!!!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:27 am
by LMG
Pia wrote:
Great reporting FF - glad the girls well behaved and you enjoyed my deck - it's fun isn't it :D
They are always good. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 10:29 am
by mbw1024
LMG wrote:Eeeek! I look like I have had some of that "beach drink concoction" don't I? :)
was it the "knickers off" concoction? if so I'm surprised you were able to sit upright! LOL