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Cruz, Coral, driving me crazy HELP

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:00 pm
by WSUbeachcoug
Ok my island experts, please help! In return I promise to file a nice trip report with pictures when I return!
We have finally worked the logistics of our West Coast to St John flight out and are headed back.
Now the final decision.... which side of the island to stay. Last time we stayed in Devers Bay. We were a little freaked out with the roads, so we tended to be back to the villa when it got dark. I know that this trip is going to be it for awhile for us, as I am now a nonpaided stay at home grandma helping her son and daughter in law. So I need to make the most of this trip!
We did not get to any of the beaches past maho.
I want to hit some of the remote snorkling spots this time. We also want to eat dinner out.
Sooooo...I have narrowed my houses down to the following Longview in Hart Bay, Sago Palms or SeaBiscuit in Coral Bay. What is the drive back from Cruz bay to these houses? Any experiences or opinions I would love to hear.
Thanks again for your awesome help!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 7:49 pm
by iowaguy
I'm thinking Sago Palms, being located above Denis Bay, is actually a little closer to Cruz Bay. I think this might be a good compromise----reasonably close to Cruz Bay for dinners, yet convenient to beaches.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 8:34 pm
by AquaGirl
There are pros and cons to staying in Cruz and Coral. We have stayed in both areas and enjoyed them both. All the villas look like great choices. Here are some thoughts for you.

- Since you want to hit some of the remote snorkeling spots, it might be less driving overall if you stay near Coral Bay at Sea Biscuit. Coral Bay has some wonderful eating spots, so you don't really have to go into Cruz Bay in the evening for a nice dinner. The drive from Coral Bay to Seabiscuit would be shorter than to Sago Palms or Longview, if you want to minimize time on the road in the evening.

- Longview will mean more driving overall to get to places like Lameshur, East End, Salt Pond, etc. Personally I like the location of Sago Palms or Sea Biscuit much better.

- I agree with Iowaguy that Sago Palms is a nice relatively central location if you plan to go into both Cruz Bay and Coral Bay. Sago Palms has such a gorgeous view!

- One advantage of Sago Palms is it says it is screened throughout. We have had mosquito problems on a few of our trips, so personally I like having screen rooms so you can be outside, but not be bothered by bugs.

- Give some thought as to where you want to spend most of your time and pick the one closest to that area. I like to minimize driving on vacation, since my hubby and I have long commutes at home.

I am sure you will love wherever you end up. Happy Planning!

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 10:49 pm
by Lindy
I personally like staying at the Cruz Bay end of the island because it is much more accessible to a larger number of restaurants, shops, food stores, etc. Hart Bay is an easy drive from Cruz Bay even at night because it's just past the Westin. The roads aren't that bad there and aren't totally dark so it's not a place where you absolutely need to be back before dark - just be sure to note a few landmarks for your turns. Getting to the Northshore beaches isn't that difficult at all from the Hart Bay area once you've gone through Cruz Bay a couple times and figure out to go straight at the traffic circle and go down the street that comes out across from Uncle Joe's Barbeque. That way you bypass some very narrow streets and the congestion around the ferry dock. It probably takes only 10 minutes to get from Hart Bay to the Caneel overlook during the day. From Hart Bay you can also head to the East end by going up Gifft Hill Road and eliminate going through Cruz Bay at all. There are some major hairpin turns going that way though - but once you've done them a time or two it's no big deal. You'd be going to the remote snorkel locations during the daylight hours anyway so I would choose a location where you think you'd be most comfortable doing the majority of your driving, especially in the evening hours. Be sure to try Lameshure - it's a great snorkel spot. Just be aware that the first part of the drive after you leave the roadway looks like a lunar landscape and you'll think you've taken a wrong turn! Just keep going and it gets better...there's actually a parking area and a bathroom for the beach.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 7:48 am
by Wanda Creech
If you are concerned about driving at night down
dark roads Sago might not be the place for you. Once you
turn off Centerline road the villa is almost a mile
down a dirt road. It is bumpy and through the woods,
but not scary near a cliff. You will be the only one
on the road. It is not a bad drive from town.
If you wanted to go to more East End beaches I
would try to stay in Coral Bay area.
What time of year are you going?

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 2:57 pm
by msgcolleen
I would choose Sago Palms for the fabulous north shore view! If you are going with your son & daughter in-law, let them drive at night! Good luck~ :wink:

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 10:41 am
by Gromit
Is Sago Palms off of John Head Road? If so, based on your concerns about rough road I would NOT recommend this area. We stayed in this area a couple of years ago thinking that it would be convenient because we were in the middle (between Cruz and Coral) and it just ended up being a complete PITA because we were really near neither.

Here's the thing: There are LOTS of great restaurants in Coral Bay these days so you will have plenty of choices: Aqua Bistro, Sweet plaintains, Tourist Trap, Skinny Legs, Island Blues, Shipwreck Landing and more! Also Lilly's Market is great for groceries.

So you honestly will not HAVE to go into Cruz Bay unless you really want to.

While the views from the center of the island are spectacular, it would not be my pick unless you plan on staying at the villa a lot or cooking in the villa.

My best advice is to pick the house that works for you in either coral or cruz bay.

However, given the fact that you've expressed interest in exploring the East End etc. it sounds like Coral Bay might be a nice change.

We've drifted away from the Cruz Bay area in recent years because it's just gotten to be a bit crowded for us -- with so many dining options and a decent grocer in Coral Bay these days-- it made the switch that much easier.

Good LUck!

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:01 pm
by Teresa_Rae
We've stayed near Coral Bay for our past two trips but still went to Cruz Bay for dinner...we've eaten at most of the restaurants in Coral Bay but we don't like any of them as much as several favorites in Cruz Bay.

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 1:31 pm
by WSUbeachcoug
Thank you everyone for your help. My son and daughter in law have now informed me that they wish to join us on our trip. Our grandson will be 9 months old in April, presenting a whole new set of concerns house wise.
I hope they know what they are doing. Last night on our nightly spot that we meet up for baby exchange, he decided he did not want to ride in the car any longer. I forgot what it sounds like to hear a baby cry nonstop for 40 minutes. My son asked me if I still wanted them to go to St John and my first response was no. I then told him that they needed to think about traveling west coast to St John with the baby.
I really appreciate all the input.

Dear Grandma

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:02 am
by sunrum
I can't imagine a trip to St. John with a nine month old. For your own sanity tell your son it's not a good idea. You deserve some relaxation! I've never stayed on the Coral Bay side, but hope to try that soon. BTW, I lived on Whidbey Island(1986-1990 and loved it.

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:19 am
by Diana2
I'll probably be flamed for this and I know you want to be a good Mom and Granny but I have to say "no" on bringing a baby especially traveling from the west coast.

After all it's YOUR vacation. Take my advise and don't even think about taking the little one until he/she's 4 or 5. Believe me I love my little granddaughter but, god love them, babies and toddlers need lots of attention and I believe your time on STJ should be enjoyed fully. There will be other opportunities to take the little one along. Wait until he/she is older and less demanding of your time and energy.

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:08 pm
by WSUbeachcoug
Thanks everyone! Thank goodness they have changed their minds on going.
St John is my special place and I will share it with my grandson when he is older.