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St John In December?

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:55 am
by MizzEtta
I typically come to St John the first low season week of April. I have a "big" birthday coming up and I want to be on the island to celebrate the actual day.

Is there anything noteworthy about the first full week of December? In other words, is there anything different than the first low season week of April?

My concerns are weather (even though I understand the weather is fairly consistent throughout the year), and businesses being open. I am not a shopper. I spend all my time on the beaches and in the villa. But I like to do a few nights of fine dining out during the week. I would hate to come down in an alternative time of year and find that restaurants are closed.

Can you tell me anything I should know about early December? :) I really appreciate it. Everyone on here is a wealth of knowledge!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:01 am
by lazylane
For the past 7 years we have gone usually around December 5-15 (typically the last week of low season!) Perfect weather, all restaurants and shops open and the villa rates are still low. Couldn't ask for more!!! Happy Friday!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:03 am
by MizzEtta
This is what I call efficiency!


Thanks so much!!!!! I can put my fears at rest and schedule my birthday for my favorite place on the planet.

You have a great day as well!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:37 am
by lark22
Early December is "our" time as well -- we think the water is much warmer than in April. And it's my birthday that week too! :)

It's a great time to go. You'll love it.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:10 pm
by Gromit
We've been down at some point during the first two weeks of December for the past three years.

We've also been fortunate to do Spring/Summer visits during some of thos eyears as well.

Here are my general observations:

Everything is open as usual (businesses and restaurants) although you will be hard pressed to find the sales that you would on items like you do in Spring/Summer.

Water temps are noticably cooler.

Air temps are noticably cooler throughout the day (altho still warm) and you can sometimes need a long sleeve shirt, light sweater/sweatshirt at night depending on how high up you are in your villa.

If your villa has a pool, it can be too cold to use (depends on how much sun you get).

There is noticably less beach. I guess the water is up higher but this is my chief complaint. Less beach to spread out and one of my faves: Jumbie-- disappears almost altogether (at least that's how it seems.)

If you're going to see waves they come around this time-- the North Swells get up and can screw with snorkeling visibility. In Spring Summer every beach is like a bathtub. Not always so in December.

I personally don't think the mosquitos are as bad.

The crowd starts to change a bit the closer you get to the 15th. Not judging. Just saying. I find that the folks you run into during the spring/summer are younger and more laid back.

I will say this. re-entry is pretty brutal. You don't have summer to look forward to. So it can be a bit more depressing IMHO. Whereas going in Spring is like getting a jump start on summer.

Crowds at airports seem to be less.

Another tip-- if you want to decorate for the holidays do it BEFORE you leave. Cause by the time you get back you're running out of time . That's been the biggest disruption for us. I haven't decorated for the holidays in three years cause I'm always getting ramped up to go and never get it done and when we come back Christmas is around the corner so it's almost like we skip the holidays altogether. The upside is that you can do Christmas shopping on island and get folks some unique gifts.

Hope this helps....

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:11 pm
by MizzEtta
Well, thanks for all the details. Hope it helps? Well details always help but your response has actually made me wonder if I should come in April.

Yes, re-entry, thought of that. I can deal with it.

Yes, Xmas, thought of that. I can deal with it.

Water being colder with more swells? Hmm, not sure how I feel about that. Less beach? What happens to Maho then there is barely any beach to begin with? lol

And of course, this was the year I was thinking about switching my rental to Bord Mt because the last few times I have been in Reef Bay, Rendezvous, Chocolate Hole. I was looking to switch it up a bit. The houses I am interested in are shaded of course, and have no hot tub. Makes me wonder given what you say if that isnt the best selection for a December trip. One of my favorite things to do is to come home from the beach early afternoon, put the ipod on, make a drink, and bob around in the pool for a couple of hours before dinner. I definitely want to be able to use the pool. thinks I have some thinking to do.

And yes I love how the water is so calm and is like a bathtub in April! Maybe I have the wrong idea here.......

Hmmmmmmmm........any other opinions out there? I know we all have them! :)

Thanks so much for the perspective Gromit......and details.......

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:18 pm
by Gromit
Don't get me wrong, there are some up sides as well.

But what I listed are my (somewhat) down sides or criticisms based on my experience.

I guess up sides would be that it really isn't as hot and humid during the day as summer and it's awfully nice to be somewhere warm and see that it's snowing back home. :lol:

If you like to hike or walk the trails this time of year is also very good for that.

Another up side is that there seems to be more live music avaialable (gearing up for high season).

Bottom line is that even the crappiest day on STJ is better than the best day at home.

So really its all relative to what you like and prefer. :lol:

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:31 pm
by MizzEtta
Just more to think about. Believe me, I appreciate it!

But I am wondering if it is not the year to try to stay in a different, cooler area. I really want to be able to use my pool.

Anyone else stay on Bordeaux Mountain in early December?

Perhaps I should just rent my second choice villa on Rendezvous Bay which is clearly positioned for full sun?

I would LOVE LOVE to be there for my actual birthday. It is going to take a lot more than this to dissuade me, lol.

Will continue to contemplate.......thanks for the help.....

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:48 pm
by toes in the sand
The week just before and just after Thanksgiving is our favorite. I have never had a problem with the air or water temps. Water is always low to mid 80's F. I have experienced nightime temps in the mid to upper 70's F. (By December this feels wonderful) I have had cool pools at villas during those weeks. I have experienced winter swell. Christmas winds have caused us to visit the south side of the island. I have never experienced a "crowded" beach, never had to pay for parking in Cruz Bay, never had to wait more than 10 minutes for a table at a resturant,never had a StJ shop closed the first week of December. We have experienced a few STT CA shops closed but that was because it was a very light cruise ship day.

Oh crap, I just realized what I am doing.

The first week of December is the WORST! Don't plan your trip then. Please stay away that week! :wink:

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 3:48 pm
by Gromit
That's why we've gone down the past few years -- for my birthday which falls on the 13th.

Another option is to choose a villa with a heated pool. Some have them.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:40 pm
by MizzEtta

I think I know what to do now then! THANKS EVERYONE!

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:50 pm
by cypressgirl
The north swells are the biggest drawback for me, but we had them so much worse on Spring Break in March. I think if you stay on the west side, you'd have plenty of sun and a warm pool. I love the calm water and small crowds of hurricane season, but that does leave you at nature's discretion. I guess there are pros and cons to every month, but I haven't found a month I didn't love. Go and don't worry about a thing. You'll have a great birthday, no matter what month you're there.

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:57 pm
by Lovermont
Four words... All Island Christmas Party! I think it was on December 12th in 2009. Live music by Inner Visions. I've been there for nine or ten days in early December for the last two years, and I think we'll do the same this December. It helps us deal with the long VT winter.


Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:57 pm
by Carolyn
If you are still looking for more opinions, here is my .02.

We used to go in JAn or Feb, even into March, for our first several visits but we went the last 2 years late Nov into Dec for 10 days. Last year we stayed in Great Cruz Bay area and this year Coral Bay area.

I found the last 2 years a little different, and I wondered if it had to do with the full moon? We were there for a full moon this past trip and not the year before...overall the water conditions were better in '08. Living near the ocean I know that full moons affect tides, making them higher, etc....less beach on some of the north shore for sure. I think next trip I will try to avoid a full moon, just becasue we like to snorkel so much..otherwise it was a beautiful full moon. Snorkeling was without a doubt better in '08 than '09. Water clarity was off nearly entire trip.

We found the water (ocean) to be warmer for both of those trips as compared to JAn/Feb. The pool this year was too cold for me and my husband only briefly jumped in and out. We also stayed in an area that gets alot of wind which I think is why the pool water was always too cool for my taste.

We were terribly disappointed this year in that 'Sweet Plantains' had not yet reopened before we left on Dec 9, but that was the only establishment that was still not up and running that I was aware of. Apparently they did open just a couple days after we left.

I am still debating the pros and cons of this particular time to be on St John. That heated pool is a good idea!