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here is the latest on the restaurants closing and employees

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:40 pm
by designbyroe

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 3:57 pm
by Cindy in pa
Thank you

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:42 pm
by iowaguy
Thanks for posting. Sometimes I see "The Balcony" listed as being under the same ownership. This article doesn't mention The Balcony. I'm just curious about whether its tangled up in the same issues.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:45 pm
Thank you.

I found the VI police article interesting also.


Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 5:15 pm
by iowaguy
Agree Gina---the police article was interesting.Some of these St. John police stories are pretty disturbing.

I remember a few years back we were renting a boat from Ocean Runners. We stopped the jeep for a moment near the ferry dock so my friend could jump out of the vehicle and unload a cooler from the back. The whole thing could not have lasted more than 45 seconds. A St. John policewoman started to write us a ticket---it was going to cost some incredible amount---$300 or $500, I can't recall. We pleaded and somehow got out of it, but it was a very unpleasant encounter. I am not really defending my action of stopping there---I do realize there is a lot of traffic and I should not have stopped. I am a pretty obedient person and would have taken well to an admonition to "move on." The police attitude was just so heavy-handed. I get over little things like that pretty quickly, but my friend never really got over it and has not liked St. John as well ever since.

Sorry to hijack the thread!

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:19 pm
by Wakey
The VIPD are a laughingstock.

Bring in the FBI for a do-over..

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:36 pm
by P-600
Curious if they ever solved the murder of Juan
Ayola(sp)? last year. Any info?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 6:37 pm
by Anthony
You have to be a member of the Tradewinds site to read the news?

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:18 pm
by designbyroe
Anthony wrote:You have to be a member of the Tradewinds site to read the news?
As far as I know Anthony, you can read the blurb or a paragraph. You do have to logon to read the whole paper.
I worked for tradewinds when I lived on island, and I really think they get to the real deal in their stories.

As far as The Balcony q, am guessing since Michael is no longer on island, and seems skipped out on his responsibilities that Mr. Bennett is looking to save the other 3 and not The Balcony. That is what I make of the article but I could be wrong.

Posted: Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:26 pm
In an effort to make sure we don't hijack this post I can only say IowaGuy/Jim that is awful and pretty disturbing.

Hopefully they get it all worked out and everyone gets to keep their jobs and St. John keeps their restaurants.

Anthony, I did have to join to see the whole article.


Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:17 am
by iamyourserver
Wow- Winston should open a Public Relations firm. This is such a load of CRAP. The only thing that is accurate in that article is the Coby is the one passing the bad checks and he knows it. He does it all with Michaels approval. Are they that stupid to to actually come out and say that the checks were cut against an account with out money? Let's just say this is the TIP OF THE ICEBERG...

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:22 am
by iamyourserver
Also, hey about some due diligence? Speak to some employees, ask them what is going on.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:35 am
by ToNto
“I’m trying to see what I can do to save the assets. This was certainly a surprise to me.”

A surprise? Right. Coby Cooper announced many a time how Winston and Michael have been contacted about the need for money to be put in the payroll account.

“It is my understanding that there was a problem with a payroll transfer and employees were asked to hold on to the checks and that didn’t happen.”

Employees don't even HAVE their checks to hold onto. Some were given checks with forged signatures. Others tried to cash or deposit them and they bounced. Since when is it legal to simply NOT pay employees for work they have done? As it is now some kind of gift?

“We’re going to go to court to regain ownership, and in the meantime, I’ve been doing what I can to help keep the restaurants open. I’ve been putting in my own money to keep them going.”

Not sure who "we" is. I have yet to hear of Winston paying one employee out of his own pocket. If he can prove this. Please share. He did state openly over a month ago, (when he knew nothing about anything....?) that any employee could come up to him and get paid off his own personal credit card, and then consider themselves without a job. In other words, ask to be paid and for that you are fired.

“We have new people coming on board and there is no intention of closing the restaurants.”

New people; people who don't know the whole story. New people who don't care about previous employees who are being fired, not paid and abused. You are taking their place? A sad joke.

“But I think they are working through those issues and we hope to have people caught up as soon as possible. It’s tough for everyone.”

Uh, again now, who are "they" that are working through the issues? Seems you want to be the person who is saving the restaurants with your super hero powers, with the invisible man/woman who is going to actually pay people.

All we can say to anyone reading the Tradewinds is to A. you know the restaurants, go in and ask any employee who has worked there in the last few months. B. If you go to eat at any of them, please at least live your gratuity in cash. If you don't, the chances of your server ever seeing them, is minimal.

Maybe the Tradewinds or The Daily News needs to do a little more investigating.

high ho silver.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:32 am
by Wakey
Anthony wrote:You have to be a member of the Tradewinds site to read the news?
Yes, and I had to register twice because the first time they denied me and wouldn't say why.

Submitted a different email addy and they approved me the 2nd time around.

Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:43 am
by designbyroe
I hope this does not come off rude as that is not my intention...
To the employees at the business's in question, contact Tradewinds if you want to have your peace said as well.
I have no doubt if you contact or heck just walk in to the office, they will take time and investigate.
This is news and it is affecting the community.
Posting on this board will not do anything.
You need to get in touch with the paper so they can have both sides of the story.
Just my opinion but this is a travel board, and yes, many of us eat at the establishments and can leave a tip in cash but there are alot more problems then just that or so it seems......jmho