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Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:22 pm
by lprof
As of 11 AM this morning, the state of Florida has five confirmed cases of H1N1 flu; my home county has two probable cases...should know this afternoon if the first is confirmed. Graduation was this past weekend at the university; no changes in any way...except for large bottles of hand sanitizing liquids everywhere hand contact was expected. The university and county health departments are ready with treatment plans IF numerous cases develop.

Personally, I wash/purell my hands often, veer away from those who appear sick/coughing/sneezing etc. I try to keep my healthy state by proper eating/sleeping/exercising so as to have good immunity. These are part of my daily life style, hoping to stay well no matter what I may encounter; generally this works. If our future planned trip to Mexico were tomorrow, I would have concerns and would have to decide if I should go...just I did one month after 9/11. I went. I would not choose to be on a plane to or to be in Mexico tomorrow. I would be more guarded in any situation of close quarters anywhere right now.

I do not understand why closing the borders to Mexico would help the United States; 36 states have confirmed cases; the flu is here...I do not plan to make changes in my perceptions...if it becomes epidemic here, I will adjust to the reality, in the same ways as I would any sickness affecting many around me. I know that researchers are scrambling to find solutions for battling and preventing this particular flu, just as they are looking ahead with research considering many possible emerging pathogens.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:51 pm
by djmom
I think it might have helped if they had closed the borders a few weeks ago. way too late now.

probably a bunch of people will get sick. now or in another wave.

is it the worst thing that will ever go around? no
is it as bad as malaria? no
will it suck? probably

for some areas, probably a complete shutdown...for others-probably no one will notice and say it was overblown.

that's the problem with this kind of stuff. no one will be happy with the response. if nothing happens, they'll say it was an overreaction. if something bad happens, an underreaction.

personally, when it comes to diseases, let's overreact a bit.

the interesting story is really how widespread it might be-- as many people who are sick are not being tested. why is that? is it because the disease is mild? or something else?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 2:26 pm
by lprof

Treatment is Available for Those Who Are Seriously III

It is expected that most people will recover without needing medical care.

If you have severe illness or you are at high risk for flu complications, contact your health care provider or seek medical care. Your health care provider will determine whether flu testing or treatment is needed. Be aware that if the flu becomes wide spread, there will be little need to continue testing people, so your health care provider may decide not to test for the flu virus.

(The above may not answer your question; I do not have a clear answer...PCR is costly and not instant. At this point taking precautions if you are well and staying away from others if you are sick, seem the best recourses.)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:34 pm
by mcpenguin5
Once you clear away all the hype in the media (they just love a juicy story like this!) it comes down to the fact that the incident count in this country is not complete due to the time it takes to get the samples from suspected cases tested.

Everyone seems to have different numbers. It would appear that the cases among American citizens are pretty mild, and some suspect that this may be due to the fact that it bears some DNA resemblance to prior flu strains that have come through the country in past years. Between flu shots and previous exposure, we are less likely to get really sick with it.

I don't think there are any deaths in this country, except the little boy who died in Texas after his mother brought him over the border from Mexico to get decent medical care.

However, as it was mentioned earlier, this is just how the 1918 flu began. Lets not get all over ourselves worrying it will turn out that way. By Fall, when this could become a stronger strain, we should have some flu vaccines available.

I am still being cautious, but panic never served us well, did it? Eat your fruits and veggies, and remember to keep up with the latest. As if you could avoid it!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:21 pm
by toes in the sand
Thanks, Iprof for that link. The CDC site stated that this swine flu is different than other swine flu outbreaks of the past. While the CDC does not list deaths outside of the US it links to the WHO and their count has the deaths in Mexico at 25. CBS reports on their website 19. AP reports 17. Time reports more than 150 deaths related to H1N1 in Mexico. ... 66,00.html
Some of the news organizations seem to be getting closer to each other on the deaths caused by H1N1. I know that Mexico has not been the greatest in dispensing facts and that confirmations can come slowly but errors like I have seen from different news outlets are staggering in my mind. Especially when dispensed without caveat.

While I do see the real need to warn people to take necessary precautions I still don't see the need to devote 5 minutes or more to the issue on every national evening news every night and then another 5 minutes on each of the local news broadcasts.

I just wish I could get the news and not the stories written to become the news themselves.
- Need - give me precautions that are worth following such as wash hands, avoid crowds especially those who may have traveled to or from affected areas within specific dates.
- Need - Who is at risk.
- Need - Factual information about the disease and how it is progressing.
- Need - Where I find out more truthful, useful information.

-DO NOT NEED-More than one story on National News per week about cancelled sports, graduation etc. because of flu. Give closings on local news.
-DO NOT NEED-Joe Bidens (or anyone who is not a communicable disease expert) travel advisory.
-DO NOT NEED-If a news organization has no news then I don't need a new blend of what was stated already.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:58 pm
by lprof
for anyone wishing to read today's update from the CDC on what is being done by that agency...

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:40 pm

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:08 am
by nothintolose
I heard on the news yesterday that they don't expect a vaccine to be ready till September in time for next flu season.

My question is this, it appears to take a while to get the results back as to whether or not it's the swine flu and in the meantime the doctors are prescribing tamiflu out the a$$, is this gonna drain the stockpile for when it's really a pandemic and/or will it morph into something tamiflu no longer is effective on?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:40 am
by djmom
I don't think it is a concern they are prescribing tamiflu. Actually, I may be incorrect, but the presciptions (thru pharmacies) and stockpile should be two different things.

Some of the stockpile is probably being used through publich health, but the drug cos are going to be able to replace/manufacture that fairly quickly. They just wouldn't be able to distribute that much right away, which makes the stockpile necessary.