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Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:49 pm
by jimg20
Dave, you and your daughter have shown all of us up. That is a great story and a great family. We wish all of you well.

I was sent to PR to work on some projects we had in about 1996. I managed to schedule many of my trips where I could stretch the time down there to allow my wife and I to spend the weekend there. The company would buy my ticket and pay for part of the hotel bill, and I would get my wife an award seat and pay for the remainder of the hotel bill.

After a number of those trips, I told the travel agent (remember travel agents?) that we had done all we wanted to do on PR and asked her if she had any suggestions. She offered STT and told me all about it. She also said that if we were going that far we should set aside a day and take the ferry over to STJ.

After the first few hours on STT we knew we would not be going back to PR. The next day we took the CA ferry over to STJ. We wandered around Cruz Bay for a short time and asked a taxi driver about beaches. He suggested that we go to Trunk Bay. He dropped us off and we went inside. I remember how crowded it was. We turned to the right and found ourselves a spot near the end of the beach near a retired couple. We were there for a little while swimming enjoying the scenery and watching the crowd. The normal sounds of the beach were interrupted by the shouting of the taxi drivers warning the cruisers that they had to catch the next ferry to get to the ship in time.

After the cruiser headed out, the retired couple realized that we were not a part of that and began to talk with us. We learned about their first visit and how they decided to sell everything in the states and move to STJ. They went back into the water for another swim and I sat on the beach watching. I remember thinking to myself that we could do that too.


Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:04 pm
by loria
Graysondave--did you post about this earlier? i am SO glad that your daughter is doing so well--having dealt with a chid with a chronic illness ,(heart- not cancer) --well--Man, i can only imagine what you guys have been thru--I am so happy that she is doing well.
What a wonderful entre into StJ.
my first trip was in april 86 (maybe it was 85?--but i think 86...) my then boyfriend and i were getting dive certified and did our course work up on the cape and we looked for somewhere to do our Certificataion dives and found george, then the divemaster at maho-- so we stayed t Maho, had lots of great conversations and music with Victor at the Kite, sputnick with ( ithnk it must have been ) innervisions, seabreeze, shipwreck, discovering an empty saltpond beach--and met a guy i almost sailed to India with (sort of pissed off the boyfriend) but that is another story...

Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 8:43 pm
by cocosmom
GraysonDave, loved your story. A fellow teacher in our very small school just had his 3rd reoccurance & transplant. Rough going for a 30 year new dad, but all is well. Hope the same for you & your family

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:13 pm
by mindehankins
Dave, wishing you, Megan, and your family brightest blessings and good health! I remember when you were planning your last minute trip!

Many years ago, someone had a protracted absence from work and I asked where they'd been. They told me about Cinnamon Bay. It sounded like a place I'd LOVE, but I was a broke college student at the time, so I just tucked that phrase "Cinnamon Bay St. John," away for for the future.
Years later, hubby and I went through a year of hell, and he offered to take me "wherever I'd feel better." Without hesitation, I said "Cinnamon Bay, St. John," though I really knew nothing about it! We went in May 2009, then again in October, and soon we'll be back for our third time.
It won't be our last though....

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 3:42 pm
by waterguy
The first time for me was on a cruise in 97 we went over on a snorkle trip. About 3 year later i was cateringg a lobster party for a radio station who's owner is a friend, one of the clients was wearing a STJ tee shirt. I struck up a conversation with him and found out he owned a villa on STJ Cygnus. We hit it off right away they invited my wife and I down for a week we had a great time it became a yearly thing to go and visit them. My wife's cancer replasped in 2004 they were nice enough to let us come down or go by our selves if they weren't there when ever she was feeling up to it. She died Aug 1st of 2006 and I spread her ashes on Hawksnest with friends and family. I hope my boy's wil do the same for me. I have been back ever year since but don't think I'll make it this year as I need to use my Vacay for something else and it is tearing my heart out.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 11:49 am
It was 1979 and I was a flight attendant for Delta Airlines. I met a guy on a flight who lived on St. John. We started dating and he invited me to come visit him. Within 2 months I had quit my job and moved there.
I only lived there a few years but now I go several times a year. It has changed a lot over the past 30+ years but I still love it. It's my guilty pleasure.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 3:02 pm
by STTlover
I'm a STT girl, but the first time that I went to STJ was on my first visit to STT. It was 1990, and I was 9 years old on a family vacation. My parents took us to Trunk Bay for the day. We thought we were in heaven! snorkeled all day long!

Fast forward to 2002 and my parents bought their condo on Sapphire beach. We've been back to both islands every year since!

Memories of first trip to St.John

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 4:59 pm
by poolmom
My first trip to St.John was last year in May. We are coming back in May this year and bringing some friends with us that are newbies. It is such a beautiful place you just want to share it. Last year two weeks before our trip I was in a car accident and broke my arm. I thought about cancelling our trip. Boy am I glad I didn't. We met some of the greatest people. So many people that you meet up with, you end up keeping in touch with and hopefully meet up with again on the islands. It was the most relaxed and laid back feeling I have ever had on vacation. Believe it or not I even snorkeled a few times with my cast covered in a trash bag and duct tape. That was a lovely site to see. Lets just say I am very excited to actully get to swim this time. We are going to the BVI's this time with some friends we met there last year. Very excited about trying some new adventures. The island makes you want to come back over and over.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 5:46 pm
by JJShaw
I too saw STJ while on a cruise in 2004. 2 yrs later my now husband, and I were on a cruise. I told him he had to see this Island so we waited for the CA ferry for what seemed like forever..(I didnt know about Redhook then)...We headed for Trunk of course once we got to STJ. We spent the day there swimming and enjoying the day..He proposed to me while we were of course it was only fitting that we came back for the Honeymoon in 07. We are currently looking forward to our 5th trip.

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 7:08 pm
by cmw5682
St. John has a special place in me heart too.
The day after my best friend lost her fight with leukemia I booked a trip to St. John although I didn't know much about it for 11 months away. The day after I booked my trip (and only 2 days after my friend died) my mom was diagnosed with ALS. I basically forgot about St. John and spent the next 10 months spending time with and taking care of Mom. I was going to cancel my trip because I was Mom's primary caregiver. Unfortunately, I never got to cancel my trip because she passed away 3 weeks before the trip. I had never been so sad, depressed, or lonely in my life. My sister talked me into taking the trip anyway so we could go and heal our hearts.
We cried on the ferry once St. John came into view and felt for the first time in a long time like things were going to be ok. We spent the next week relaxing, snorkeling, and rebuilding our spirits. Something I will remember is Captain Phil taking us out to release flowers into the ocean in Mom and my friend's honor. We returned home feeling better and ready to LIVE again.
A year later when it was time to plan my husband and I's fifth anniversary, it was a no brainer! I'll be returning in June and will be going out with Captain Phil and releasing flowers again!

Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2011 10:05 pm
by Bigcheeze
Wow,,, so many great stories about the 1st time I can't possibly "Qoute" each one or the post would get longer and longer.

Keep them coming if you want to share and TY to those that have so far.

That 1st time in 'Love City' or 'The Rock' or whatever we call it seems to be very special. Perhaps it's the symbiotic relationship we share that makes us smile(Right MahoJim). Not going to even try and explain 'IT' because it would be beyond my feeble mind to get to that place..LOL

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:38 am
by chicagoans
After our first (and so far only) trip to Maui during Christmas holidays 2006/2007, I came home with a severe case of tropical fever (as in, get me back to the tropics!)

I had used Trip Advisor to get much of my Maui info, and after coming back read a post about 'what is like Maui but less built up?'. A response to that post said that STJ is like Maui was 25 years ago. That began my research on STJ, and someone on TA pointed me here. I think because of this forum I fell in love with STJ before I ever got there! (FYI: another TA post mentioned that Bequia is like STJ was 40 years ago, which briefly got me started on planning a Bequia trip. Turned out to be not so easy for a family of 4 with only school-break time to play with.)

Our first trip was fun because it grew from us to include two other families, so we had 10 total. That was a blast and I'll never forget my excitement approaching Cruz Bay for the first time on the ferry.

2nd trip was 2 years after the first, just our family. But we hung out with the loria family and that was so great! (Kids same ages and the parents are a blast. Miss you Lori!) That also made my family think that my forum addiction is a good thing -- wouldn't have met the lorias withouth this forum.

3rd trip I'm hoping will be for next years 8 Tuff race.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:56 am
by sasky
In May 2007 my husband and I were married in a destination wedding in Punta Cana with 40 of our friends/family members. It was a non-stop party, lots of dancing and drinking and activities.

A few weeks before the wedding I decided we should probably go somewhere afterwards, just the two of us. Some place quiet where we can chill out. THANK GOD I decided to do that, because by the end of the week in Punta Cana, we were exhausted. I found St. John when searching on the internet. Booked a villa and a car, but went in not knowing much about it.

We arrived at night. The next morning we woke up to the most amazing, breath-taking view I had ever seen in my life. We were both running around outside the villa, giddy with wonder at everything we saw.

We didn't know any of the beaches or roads to take. But we hopped in the jeep and took off for the day, exploring the island with fresh eyes.

Trip #4 coming up and I still feel that sense of giddiness as I think about waking up the first morning.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:26 pm
by Puddlejumper
My first visit to St John was winter 2004. I had been to Tortola the previous year helping a friend deliver this yacht, pictured below, to Tortola from NC. I was awestruck at the beauty of the VI. I had already been thinking about opening a BBQ restaurant in NC at the time. So why not look in the USVI? I could live and work legally on STJ. I only live once.

So I visited my friends who were a Captain and Chef team on the same yacht. Stayed on the boat for a week exploring and even talked seriously with the owner of a Coral Bay restaurant that was for sale at the time. I hitched a ride from Maho Bay to Coral Bay for a first, also.

I decided to move down in 2007 and get a feel for the business climate first before 'buying a job'. Found out it was just too expensive to make money. I could have paid the bills and survived. But that wasn't what I wanted or needed. So I returned to the states in 2010.

I visited STJ a couple more times after the first visit before moving down. I spent two fantastic years living on island.

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Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 7:49 pm
by cuey12
Love reading the first time stories and how we all became addicted. 1985 or somewhere close to that!! I have been back every year, sometimes twice. I skipped one year because of a hurricane. I can't imagine not planning a trip to St. John. My grandmother use to vacation there in the 1960's and recommended it as the perfect island. I wish I could have seen it then.