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Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:21 am
by sea-nile
cypressgirl wrote:
Teresa_Rae wrote:I can definitely see some bias in the way those questions are such a way that favors Obama.
You bettcha!

Love you Seanile! Don't kill me on Halloween night! :lol:
Wait until you see my costume! mu wah ha ha!!! :lol: Seriously, Cyp, I didn't think the quizzes were biased toward Obama. I haven't even told you who I was voting for. Don't ASSUME that I am voting for Obama. And I don't think you are out numbered in the SOTB gang. I would assume that most are McCain supporters. I like to keep my opinion to myself. I am more on the fence than you think. I think there are good and bad sides to each candidate. I don't claim to be Democrat or Republican. If either wins I really don't think my personal life will change much. My decision has to be based on what I think is best for this Country and all Americans.
I love you Cyp and even if I was a radical Liberal, I still want you as a friend and we get along great and I can't wait to spend a week with you!
But, if you try to talk about Politics on Halloween night, LOOK OUT!! he he

We should have a SOTB poll, anonymously if that makes everyone more comfortable. I am just curious. Maybe Maggy could take the votes and let us know since she won't be voting.

Also, if there is an "unbiased" survey out there or even one that is biased toward McCain, let me know. I want to take that too.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:40 am
by Lex
I am curious about where posters have detected bias in the first survey. It looks to me like pretty straightforward statements that we can agree or disagree with. Then I imagine that our responses are matched with the candidates' positions and we're informed which candidate most clolsely shares our positions.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:42 am
by cypressgirl
Hey Seanile, I don't even want to think about the elecion while on vacation. Just tell me the next day who won, and I'll have another drink. :lol:

An SOTB poll would be fun, but I'd rather do it before we arrive. Like I said, no politics on vacation for me.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 11:44 am
by sea-nile
cypressgirl wrote:Hey Seanile, I don't even want to think about the elecion while on vacation. Just tell me the next day who won, and I'll have another drink. :lol:

An SOTB poll would be fun, but I'd rather do it before we arrive. Like I said, no politics on vacation for me.
Glad to hear that CYP!

And Lex, yes I think the quizzes were fair too. The second one I posted is even less biased, I think.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:18 pm
by jmq
Jorge – here are some things to consider to help your decision making process.

You can talk policy and ideological differences til the cows come home, but you may want to focus on the personality and character traits of the candidates to get an idea of whether or not they will be an effective leader.

Some things to consider: Do they seem rather impetuous and do they operate primarily “from the gut” or do they seek some consensus and different opinions? I’m not talking “paralysis from analysis”, but are they willing to have people around them who are not afraid to tell the emperor they have no clothes on?

Do they have the intellectual capacity and maybe more importantly, the intellectual curiosity to seek out other points of view? Do they seem like they would be the type to make or value decisions that are made more for political expediency, or they are more apt to consider past history in order to understand the long term consequences of a decision?

Can they acknowledge mistakes and learn from them?
That is a way to hold yourself accountable. Some degree of humility can be a good thing. You can have all the experience in the world, but experience combined with impulsiveness, or a touch of arrogance and/or overconfidence can be a recipe for disaster. How can you hold others accountable for THEIR actions or mistakes if you don’t apply the practice to yourself?

Another thing a leader shouldn’t do is be disingenuous about big issues that directly affects the lives of others. In other words, don’t blow smoke up our ass about the big things. Tell it to us straight.

An example: we recently had a “realignment” at work. Realignment is yet another Dilbert word for layoff. I was pissed. Seems like when my company catches a cold, my division gets pneumonia.

So, for damage control, the head of my division who reports directly to the CEO comes in from home office to speak to us directly. He cited all the business reasons for doing the “realignment”, using charts and graphs and what not.

OK. Seems a little quick on the trigger to me, but I get the business reasoning. Then he told the story of when he younger and he was laid off back when he was in the field doing the work we are doing, his wife was pregnant with their first child etc. so he understood what is like and didn’t take these decisions lightly etc. His tone and body language were real.

OK. Genuine empathy. That’s good. Less smoke. But then he did something that was rather unexpected. He apologized and said that HE has to do a much better job managing so that this doesn’t happen again anytime soon. Now that actually meant something.

So, for me, real AND effective leadership means holding yourself and others accountable and not spending so much time and energy on spin and deception that you lose sight of what the right strategies and goals should be.

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:13 pm
by soxfan22
sailorgirl wrote: Watch this!
The last people I will take advice from is Leo, Forrest, Will I Am, Snoop D-O double G...

You know, the folks who have never had a real job in their lives.

So they're right...If you are a subscriber to their political POV's, then please...don't vote.

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:00 pm
by sailorgirl
soxfan22 wrote:
sailorgirl wrote: Watch this!
The last people I will take advice from is Leo, Forrest, Will I Am, Snoop D-O double G...

You know, the folks who have never had a real job in their lives.

So they're right...If you are a subscriber to their political POV's, then please...don't vote.
I get it now... you feel that only those who agree with you should have the right to vote. In one fell swoop you disenfranchised about 50% 0f the population. well done!