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Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:07 pm
by chicagoans
After reading this thread again I started adding up what we spent this year. I stopped when I got to about $5100. And we stay in "affordable" villas - no Peter Bay for us!

It's a good reality check for me because I kept thinking we did this vacay on the cheap since we used miles to get there. But things do add up when you have 4 people in taxis, eating, etc. But hey, I'd do it all again!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:18 pm
by stjohnmay2003
I could easily spend $8000 on 1 week for 2 people, especially during high season. We love to go fishing and typically get a charter a few times while we are there at about $750 a pop. But that's how we like to spend our $$.

When we went for 2 weeks, in the low season, back in 2003 for our wedding we spent probably $3500 just on fishing!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 4:38 pm
by djmom
I may be mistaken but was the original post to say why it is frustrating to wait for service, etc...?

I totally get where that is coming from, but the way I have decided to deal with it is just to try to accept that as part of the package, and to enjoy every minute. Either by people watching, socializing, or sitting doing nothing just sipping on my drink. It helps for me to drink a bloody mary on the way down on the plane. By the time I am there my mind has started to slow down and stop worrying about whatever. I don't even mind waiting at the airport for luggage anymore.

If I spend my time worrying about how much time of mine that someone is wasting I find that adds a lot of stress to the vacation. I try to get in the "no worries" state of mind. I don't think the average waiter cares how much I spent to get there.

I should have prefaced this post by saying I haven't always been this relaxed about "Island Time" :lol:

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:00 pm
by O2B-on-STJ
[quote="djmom"]I may be mistaken but was the original post to say why it is frustrating to wait for service, etc...?

I've enjoyed the variuos perspectives on my initial post.
My actual intent was not to express frustration with the local experience of "island time" on St John(I actually envy their perspective) but perhaps to offer an understanding of why time on the island is so valuable to me and explain that while I may seem rushed or impatient it's just my awareness that my time it limited is showing. :oops:

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 6:02 pm
by Connie
If you can't go on vacation in the Virgin Islands for no more then 1/2 of what you're spending or maybe a little more, I think you should re-evaluate what your priorities are in a vacation.

That is what I said and sorry to some that I can't take it back.

When I saw what the original poster paid on an average trip to STJ it really took me back. Especially since it was for 2 people.

For those of you who thought it was mean to say that, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way.

Sometimes people, including me, can read something bad in what people write.

I do believe that you can do STJ or STT for alot less then 8,000.00.

People are entitled to spend whatever they want on vacation, whether it be in the villa, eating out or adventures.

I do see people quoting what they spent or will spend and alot of people do spend less then 8,000.00, so it is very doable.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:07 pm
by loria
oh wow....i am not sure i even could go thru with this exercise-if i did, i might never go anywhere again...Like many, for various reasons we tend to have to travel during high season (though this is really a recent phenom) --we have been very lucky to spend the last two christmases on STJ--both those trips half of th tickets were on miles (but still traveling at high season a single ticket can be double what you'd pay in summer--so ballpark 1500 airfare (jfk direct) 14 days of jeep rental is about 1200 (maybe a bit more?)--this year we got a bigger jeep--last year we had small one--ferrys/taxis/ we all know what that costs--we found very affordable place that could house us all--it didn't have the too-die-for-view- or lots of amenities---but 1800/wk in high season (with a plunge pool) so that saved some money--2 yrs ago w slit our time between concordia and the lovely Bo Atabey (a real TREAT)--
but this year we did things: a trip with Capt Brandi (LOVED IT)
took th kids parasailing (great fun too)
rented a dinghy (bet 190 i ever spent--and we shared the day with Chicaogans and her family and it was just terrific)
we tend to pack lunch for the beach at home and eat dinners in most times (this christmas we had dinner at la plancha--really great--still owe a trip report about this trip)
and then there are small things that add up--my kids tourist trap habit (ok, mine too) drinks at aqua bistro, food shopping, gas.
I think if i really ever did the math for real i'd be horrified....

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:08 pm
by Greenskeeper
Connie wrote:If you can't go on vacation in the Virgin Islands for no more then 1/2 of what you're spending or maybe a little more, I think you should re-evaluate what your priorities are in a vacation.

That is what I said and sorry to some that I can't take it back.

When I saw what the original poster paid on an average trip to STJ it really took me back. Especially since it was for 2 people.

For those of you who thought it was mean to say that, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way.

Sometimes people, including me, can read something bad in what people write.

I do believe that you can do STJ or STT for alot less then 8,000.00.

People are entitled to spend whatever they want on vacation, whether it be in the villa, eating out or adventures.

I do see people quoting what they spent or will spend and alot of people do spend less then 8,000.00, so it is very doable.
You are correct on all fronts. We all have different standards and while you might be able to enjoy a week on STJ for alot less than $8,000, the OP can't. It's all about the choices.

I choose not to cook on vacation but I did bring some dry goods (chips crackers etc) because it killed me to pay $5 a box for that stuff.

Our first trip to STJ, we spent $6,000 on the villa, this year, we spent $3200. Not as plush as the first but absolutely perfect for us. We now realize we can spent under $600 per night and be very happy. Live and learn.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:09 pm
by Lex
Pretty interesting, the various perspectives. We find that with every vacation trip we tend to do less and less and take longer doing it. If I'd stop to think about it, I'd think we get pretty good value for our money, but I really don't stop to think about it. I don't put monetary value on vacations. For us they're about something else altogether.

Things may not seem to work well in the Caribbean. Things aren't done efficiently or don't happen on time. Something's always breaking down or running out. It would make me crazy if I had expectations that it would be any different than that. The islands are different than the mainland. Things may not seem to be working well, but actually they're working as they're supposed to---it's just that it's a West Indian system rather than a mainland system. As Americanized as it may seem, going to the Caribbean is going into a different culture. It's not like going up the Amazon or to Mongolia, but it's not Kansas, for sure.

It raises one question for me: would I prefer to have a certain level of luxury and vacation less often, or make do with much less luxury in order to have more frequent vacations? We opt for more frequent vacations. We're absurdly content at Maho or in a simple West Indian-style cottage and eating local food. We do without a whole lot of stuff that seems so indispensible at home and are perfectly happy. So much of what we enjoy doing in the islands is free. We have 25 years of memories in the Caribbean, I don't know what it cost, or how many days I went to work to pay for it, but I know what value it has for us.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:29 pm
by Boston Mike
We average about $4000 everytime.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:47 pm
by SS in NC
Villa (PP for 4) for a week - $1000
Airfare - $500
Cash for food/car/excursions/ferries/taxis...etc - $2100

1 week on STJ - PRICELESS!

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:54 pm
by Bigcheeze
Put me in Coach for 4k. 2 adults and 2 kids 10 and 13. Includes 2 frq flyer tickets and 2 paid $600, 9 day jeep commander $600, Villa/Hotel 9 days $1800(Parents stay a few nights andpitch in $500 toward the $2,300 total ), food booze etc 700, boat rental and dingy rentals 500.

That's high season.

I remember a quote that said " Dad would take us on family vacations every year even if he couldn't afford it in order to make memories we couldn't afford to be without"

Ben Franklin said "the quickest way to wealth is to augment your means and diminish your wants" We do that so we can be on the Island at least once a year...this year will be twice in a year.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:18 pm
by Greenskeeper
Bigcheeze wrote:Put me in Coach for 4k. 2 adults and 2 kids 10 and 13. Includes 2 frq flyer tickets and 2 paid $600, 9 day jeep commander $600, Villa/Hotel 9 days $1800, food booze etc 700, boat rental and dingy rentals 500.

That's high season.
Can you tell me where to find a villa for 9 days for $1800? PLEASE. 8)

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:47 pm
by chicagoans
Greenskeeper wrote:
Bigcheeze wrote:Put me in Coach for 4k. 2 adults and 2 kids 10 and 13. Includes 2 frq flyer tickets and 2 paid $600, 9 day jeep commander $600, Villa/Hotel 9 days $1800, food booze etc 700, boat rental and dingy rentals 500.

That's high season.
Can you tell me where to find a villa for 9 days for $1800? PLEASE. 8)
greens I had the same question! even in low season that's a bargain. (maybe it's $1800 per person?)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 12:38 am
by SOonthebeach
all the price tags I am reading (well, the high ones, anyway) sure make me feel better! That's what we spend too- sometimes with kids, sometimes without- if we rent a villa. We have a lot of Starwood points, so the Westin starts to look so that's great, too! Of course one day by the pool there will suck up a pretty penny. But in my book it is all more than worth it to be on STJ.

Cost versus Benefit

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:10 am
by Steve Palm
It is well worth the price to my wife and I. Our priorities are privacy, swimming pool and hot tub, location high enough above sea level to be cool and bug free.

We have only 4 visits in 4 years but the island kind of gets into your blood. I would welcome suggestions of a cheaper alternative with an equal climate and non developed atmosphere.

Here goes with my most recent prices for 2 people (earlier this month). Jeep $611, 8 days villa with visitors for 4 days $3560, overnight lodging on San Juan and St. Thomas due to inconvenient flight times $340, Airline $1214 (notably higher prices for more convenient flight times and I'm not even including bag charges), Travel Insurance $150 (we both have an elderly parent and we would hate to lose all the up front payments), food stocking the villa for lunches snacks and no tax booze about $150, Restaurants $500 (almost all evening meals out and maybe one of them at Asolare), the Grand Total of above is $6525. The low season obviously reduces some cost and having another couple split costs would greatly ease the pain.

We intend to continue budgeting for once a year until we have to buy dog food to get by, or until we get too old to enjoy.