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Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 2:59 pm
by Sun4MySoul
This is one interesting beginning...

But on the bright side: It can only go UP from here! Thanks for taking the time for the TR.

Enjoy your will fly by too quickly!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 3:31 pm
by aroobagirl
Only consolation is that when you seem controlling in the future you now have a great example of why they should consider themselves lucky...

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:01 pm
by mbw1024
oh my, what else can be said? things have to get better from here.
almost left my camera in the limo on our honeymoon. suffice to say I would have never taken it as well as you!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:28 pm
by cypressgirl
OMG......if you're a control freak, I don't know what that makes me. This sounds worse than that Home Alone movie. The camera bag is the thing that would make me totally sick. I'd rather forget a kid at home than loose that camera gear. I know it's just stuff, but we all love our stuff, or we wouldn't spend our hard earned money buying it.

I guess one thing you proved, is that you can show up on STT with nothing but the clothes on your back, and make it work.

PLEASE tell us it gets better!! (I was just kidding abnout leaving the kid at home, sort of. :D )

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:38 pm
by KatieH
I caught myself doing some deep breathing as I read this! Breathe in, breathe out, drink rum... you're there and you're safe.

When you leave the hotel tomorrow, ask yourselves (out loud) - "where are we going and what do we need" :wink: It's become one of our little rituals, and I think it helps those of us who aren't so "linear" (me and my remora).

Have a wonderful time 8)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 4:45 pm
by mfaughey
Wow - and since this is in Real Time, I think you have a captivated audience here! Good Luck!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:04 pm
by Pickle
Wow, Jules... I am a 40-ish, Virgo, female with occasional control issues too, and I have a husband who is like John (liamsaunt's), but I don't think I've ever had a situation quite like that. I would be in so shock that my brain would be numb. You totally deserve gallons of soothing rum. By the way, music is a large part of our lives (my husband plays it and we have a lot of musician friends from starving to successful). I had to smile that your renaissance guy had to bring his guitar to VI (well, at least that was his intention)... I'm curious if he writes a new piece on the island.

Keep your spirit up, and have a wonderful rest of the trip!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:08 pm
by 17th Hole
Have him write a song called "I Had to Lose It All to Find What I Was Looking For" :)

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:35 pm
by mbw1024
there was a message on spice cam that seemed to indicate they got their stuff.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:39 pm
by Agent99
St. Anthony is the Man!! You heard it here.

It was another interesting day. I'm sitting in our Gallows Point suite that has been beautifully updated. Photos to follow 'cause I have my camera.

When we last cybermet I was hopeful and guardedly optimistic. After we checked into FR, which is lovely BTW, as much for the people there as for the nice digs, 86 was able to reach a real person at the San Juan airport. He could not have been nicer. According to him the Lost and Found lady was gone for the day but due to return at 8:30 am Saturday. He then recounted that he had heard someone say that 2 cameras and a guitar had been turned in to Lost and Found.

He gave us some good info then. If the items were in fact turned in they were in good hands. Janelle , the lady in charge was IN CHARGE and her found items were safer than safe. He tells us that if the items have been found they will ship them but not put them on a plane like lost luggage.

We all slept like the dead. Bright and early Janelle reports that , yes, she has our camera bag and guitar, which were both found on the AA plane that we rode to San Juan. It's early enough that 86 decides to jump on a Cape Air puddle jumper and go get it. Meanwhile the boys and I catch a cab to K-mart and outfit them with underwear, a few t-shirts and a couple of pairs of shorts.

The biggest problem with #1's lost luggage is that his back up contact lenses were in there. He has a serious correction and is very handicapped without them. Sure enough, the new pair he was wearing that could have lasted him a couple of weeks ripped last night. I hated the thought that he wouldn't be able to see, especially snorkeling.

We step out of the cab at K-mart and see a sign for Sterling Optical. I keep #1's perscription in my wallet. She has nothing that strong to sell me and doesn't know anyone on the islands who does. Then she says "Wait a minute" and disappears into the back. I'm contemplating how much $ it is going to cost to have our doctor overnight some to us when she comes out with a pair and says that the doctor can't sell them because they are samples but please take them with our compliments. I could weep.

86 was back on STT in record time an by 2:00pm we were lunching at the pool at FR and toasting our good luck with a celebratory adult beverage. 86 put his drink down on the ground for a second....just a second and a huge iguana storms it to steal the orange off the rim knocking the drink over in the process. This may well be a very unusual trip.

4:00 CA ferry and here we are. As much as went wrong yesterday went right today.

I'm giddy, grateful and ready for a vacation.


Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 6:48 pm
by mbw1024
I weep for you! Fantastic all around - except the 86'd drink of course!

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:07 pm
by Joshie

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:18 pm
by Agent99
I weep for you! Fantastic all around - except the 86'd drink of course!
I gave him mine. I can't even express how cosmic this all feels. All of these life lessons, highs and lows, and lovely people. The people on STT were so uncommonly kind to us.....the cab drivers, Captain Leonard Francis, and the sweet lady with the rosaries hanging on her mirror who gave us a ride back to FR from K-Mart (whose name was also Francis!) and the wonderful guy from Haiti who works at the FR Sunset Grill. I'll write a detailed review about FR later and do my best to see that he is given a promotion.

Your comments are so nice. They make this report really fun. The guys went off to Starfish Market and I decided not to micromanage that, so here I am..

Now they're back and they did great. We'll order Uncle Joe's as is our first night tradition and then hang out in the "hot bubbly" which is what #2 named a hot tub when he was tiny and watch the jewel box of STT lights twinkle in the distance.

See ya tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:49 pm
by ifloat
I just gave my husband a synopsis of your trip so far, and read him the part about the iguana. Classic.

When you were low, kindness was shown to you, and it felt so good to read that.

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:13 pm
by b-as-u-r
You're just waaaaay too funny! I can still remember your last trip report. You should consider joining in on an SOTB trip, we'd totally enjoy your humor. I have no control issues, so you could totally take mine and keep all tings under control (yes, that was an intentional typo). I can't wait to read your next report!! Have fun!!! Ali~