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Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:01 pm
by Marcia (Mrs. Pete)
OMG, no question. Go out!!! As my husband mentioned, half of the fun of doing a special night is in the prep. I won't even let Pete see me until it's time to go...and I don't get to see him either...

Then, we meet, have a cocktail on the deck and leave in the Jeep and lots of good things happen.

But wait, it's all about the shoes. Really great shoes. That's all I'll say about that.

Get out of the villa. Come home and have your privacy. While you are at dinner, let the romance begin.


Bring it STJ. Whoooooooooie. I've got the shoes. Pete, you ready?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:05 pm
by Pete (Mr. Marcia)
[quote="Marcia (Mrs. Pete)" Whoooooooooie. I've got the shoes. Pete, you ready?[/quote]

Um, gulp [loosens his tie]...I think so.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:18 pm
by traveler22
I'm with Pete and Re-Pete
Dinner out and dessert at the Villa and just thinking about dessert in between.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:39 pm
by michele
A few thoughts to help make your choice:
Who has to do the dishes?
If you eat at the villa, would you really get to enjoy a hot meal or would "dessert" just have to come first, then be stuck with a cold meal?
If you go out, would you be too tired when you got back with no "dessert" at all?
The bottom line is this....your on STJ....either way it'll be a perfect night in paradise!!!
Congrats on 25 years!!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:06 pm

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:18 pm
by brenda
Pete (Mr. Marcia) wrote:[quote="Marcia (Mrs. Pete)" Whoooooooooie. I've got the shoes. Pete, you ready?
Um, gulp [loosens his tie]...I think so.[/quote]

Are those shoes the CFMP's?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:44 pm
by Pete (Mr. Marcia)
No, on island they tend to be more of a high-heeled sandal with ties that criss-cross up the calf. But, you never know what you're gonna get, as Marsh usually brings about 10 pairs of shoes. (Bug would understand). It's one of the reasons why carry-on only is not an option for us.

It's all good.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:13 pm
by mahojim
No brainer to me, especially after meeting him;
Dinner at the villa w/Mat. Great guy!

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:23 pm
by Marcia (Mrs. Pete)
BUG! Help me here. It's the shoes and the going out in the shoes. Right?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 11:48 pm
by Bug
It's the shoes...the getting ready, looking good, feeling good and topping it off with a really sexy pair of shoes that just puts a good night over the top :wink:


Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2023 2:57 pm